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Downgrading software using yum

I upgraded a server to PHP 8, (turned on remi-php80 repo, run yum update, accepted dependencies) only to discover it broke a pretty critical and fairly old PHP function.  To give myself time to debug, I wanted to get production going again.

I used yum to downgrade in this way:

Since I wanted to go back to php 7.4, so I disabled the remi-php80 repository.

I then ran

 yum downgrade php

This failed, showing me all the dependency packages that were up to version 8 as well.  So I added those to the downgrade list, which then showed more dependencies that needed to be downgraded, until I got the full list. 

Here is the final command that downgraded everything that was adjacent...

yum downgrade php php-common php-cli php-sodium php-process php-gd php-pecl-mcrypt php-mbstring php-xml php-pdo php-mysqlnd

And, all seems to be well!  I'll try to determine what in the scrollers isn't php 8 compliant, and go again...