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Allowing access to a URL for specific IPs

Here is the set of apache mod_rewrite rules for setting access to a specific URL to only a few IPs.  In th is situation it is accomplished by using the following negative, or reverse, logic:


If the request is not from IP 1, or 2, or x
     Send requests for the protected URL (protected.url) to the redirect or failure URL (redirect.url)

# Rules to ALLOW access to a specific URL
# The allowed IP addresses (listed as nots) can be as many as you need, one after the other
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^xxx\.xxx\.xxx\.xxx
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^yyy\.yyy\.yyy\.yyy
# Anyone else should be blocked
RewriteRule ^protected.url$ /redirect.url [R=301]

Some notes about the above rules. 

  • mod_rewrite needs to be on.  This is done in my setup in the conf.modules.d/00-base.conf
    LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
  • The rewrite engine needs to be turned on in httpd.conf, or the site specific .conf file
    RewriteEngine on
  • Because this is designed to allow certain IPs and redirect all others to a different URL, it uses NOT logic in defining the list of IPs.  This is accomplished with the "!" symbol before the IP address in each RewriteCond statement.
  • The "^" symbol marks the beginning of the string.  This is important to allow 56.xx.xx.xx, but not 156.xx.xx.xx.
  • The IP address needs to have the "." in it escaped, which is done using the backslash "\". becomes 192\.168\.100\.20
  • List as many addresses as needed by adding RewriteCond statements.
  • To allow a whole class C network, just drop the last octet.  ^192\.168\.100\. Include the trailing "\." to ensure the correct third octet (for example, if the class C was 192.168.10.xx, don't leave it as ^192\.168\.10, since this would match 10, 100, 101, 102, etc.
  • To simply deny access with a 403 error rather than send the visitor to a different URL, the final rule would be
    RewriteRule ^protected.url$ - [F]

 More info can be found in the apache mod_rewrite documentation, here.

apache, linux